Simplify your return and repair processes with our comprehensive range of services!
We offer returns processing, reverse logistics, refurbishment, repair, and re-manufacturing services:

- Product Returns Management
- Warranty Program Management (in-warranty and out-of-warranty programs)
- Recall Management
- Product Audit, Test, Triage, and Return-to-Vendor (RTV) Management
- Configuration, Software Restoration and Advanced Product Replacement

- Refurbishing, Re-manufacturing, Re-Kitting and Shipment
- Product Re-marketing and Value Recovery
- Restocking and Inventory Management
- Green Logistics Programs
- Product Recycling and Disposal
Mutual Benefits from Reverse Logistics: Companies and Customers Prosper Alike:
Outsourcing reverse logistics, encompassing returns processing, refurbishment, repair, and re-manufacturing services, offers a strategic advantage to manufacturers, technology users, service providers, retailers, and logistics professionals. This approach effectively curtails operating costs and significantly reduces waste by extending the useful life of products, leading to sustainable practices and enhanced profitability.
Companies providing reverse logistics programs empower customers to optimize the inherent value of their equipment by:

- Ensuring maximum productivity and performance
- Increasing reliability and equipment up time
- Ensuring cost-effective performance
- Providing a like-new warranty

- Increasing the customer’s return on their investment
- Providing the customer with a variety of repair options to meet their service needs
- Providing the customer with a higher resale value
- Providing the lowest total owning and operating life cycle costs